Have you ever observed a baby putting everything they can get their hands on into their mouth? It's not just about eating or satisfying hunger. Oral exploration is a crucial developmental stage in a baby's life. While it's essential for parents to keep an eye on their little ones and protect them from potential harm, it's perfectly natural for babies to grab objects and put them into their mouths to explore their texture and taste.
In addition to exploring the world with their mouths, babies also find comfort in sucking a thumb, finger, or pacifier. However, as babies grow and develop greater self-control and self-awareness, these habits should gradually decrease. In fact, most children will give up these activities between 2 to 4 years of age.
Parents should be aware that if their child's thumb, finger, or pacifier habit persists when the permanent teeth are coming in, there is a higher risk of developing a bad bite. In other words, if the activity hasn't ceased by the age of five or six, it's time to help your child stop the habit in a supportive and constructive way.
For school-age children, stopping a thumb or finger-sucking habit can be challenging. Parents need to remain sensitive and supportive to the child's needs.
At the office of Maitland Avenue Dental, we want every child to enjoy optimal oral health and optimal dental development. We monitor every child's smile as they grow. We carefully check for any habit-related effects on their teeth or jaws and these changes affect speech or other oral functions. As indicated, we'll discuss if orthodontic intervention and habit appliance therapy is required.
In conclusion, while thumb sucking is a natural part of a baby's development, it's essential to monitor and address the habit as your child grows older. By following our helpful advice and seeking professional guidance when needed, you can help your child maintain a healthy smile for years to come.
If you have any questions or concerns about your child's dental health, don't hesitate to contact us at the office of Maitland Avenue Dental. Our dedicated staff is always ready to assist and provide expert advice. Remember, a healthy smile starts with good habits!